Prevention Point Philadelphia (PPP) was founded by ACT UP Philadelphia, and began syringe service operations in North Philadelphia in 1991. At the time, PPP was an underground, grassroots outgrowth of the Philadelphia chapter of ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power). PPP was also supported by the Friends Neighborhood Guild. At the time, the possession of syringes was illegal in the City of Philadelphia.
In 1992, after lobbying efforts by the members of PPP, Mayor Ed Rendell issued an Executive Order (4-92), legalizing the possession of syringes in Philadelphia and overriding the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, which are still in existence today. Since 1992, the breadth of services we provide or community has expanded to include: case management, medical care, overdose prevention education, medication assisted treatment, and naloxone distribution. In addition, we offer housing, meals, and mail services for people facing housing instability. All of these services are provided with a harm reduction-based approach to medicine and public health.