If you are interested in projects with PPP, we encourage you to contact our office even before proposals are developed and before IRB applications are submitted. Why? We want to assure that PPP can provide requested involvement, that projects align with our mission, and that projects are feasible in our community.
Among items to discuss during project development:
- Need for space at PPP (space, especially private and/or clinical, is limited)
- PPP involvement in subject recruitment, if any
- Use of incentives (type, value, distribution, concerns of undue influence)
- Which PPP programs are involved (such as PrEP, HIV/HCV testing, syringe services program, etc.)
- Staff time and other PPP resources needed (including time to address participant questions about your project)
- PPP’s indirect/overhead rate
PPP has a formal project approval process. The steps are:
- Email Research@ppponline.org and attach your proposal and any other supporting documentation
- Discuss your proposal with Research Office staff
- Make any changes to the proposal and complete the RESEARCH APPLICATION here
- Members of the Board of Directors’ Research Committee and relevant PPP administrators review the application
- Decisions about the application are communicated to the researcher.
This process generally takes several weeks, so please factor that into your overall timeframe. Again, it is not necessary to receive IRB approval before contacting us.
If you have any questions, you can reach this office at Research@ppponline.org.