Narcan now available over the counter
On March 29, the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) approved opioid overdose reversal medication Narcan for over-the-counter purchase. Prevention Point Philadelphia (PPP) enthusiastically supports this measure.
In 2021, Philadelphia lost 1,276 people to overdose, with 82% of these deaths attributed to the opioid fentanyl. Naloxone should be accessible to empower individuals and communities to save lives. Making Narcan available without a prescription reduces the stigma often associated with drug use. No one should feel judged or shamed for saving a life.
Making Narcan available over the counter is just one step towards making it accessible. The average out-of-pocket cost for a single dose of Narcan is over $30. This price is cost-prohibitive to many of the people who need it the most, including people who use drugs, rural communities, people in impoverished or isolated communities, and imprisoned people.
Narcan is available for free at PPP on weekdays, 8 am – 4 pm. We also distribute it via our mobile overdose prevention and syringe services units. If you live outside Philadelphia and need Narcan, contact your nearest harm reduction coalition, syringe services program, or health department to see what harm reduction supplies they have available.