At Prevention Point's Recover & Thrive event on September 25, we presented Prevention Point's first-ever zine! All the contentwhich includes artwork, poetry, and essayswas contributed by current and former participants as well as staff. Many thanks to Director of Behavioral Health Denise Botcheos for initiating and curating this project; local artist and co-coordinator of PPP's Art As Harm Reduction Workshop Lisa Kelley for design and layout; and to Sarah, Eric, Sara, Nicky, and everyone who contributed a piece.

"Every time you flow thru me, I play Russian roulette."

"For even my last break, I'll continue to scream

Letting the system know, that I'm more than a fiend"

"A memory with a reminder to keep grounded"

"Today I'm able to wake up without the obsession and compulsion to use drugs."