Prevention Point Philadelphia is pleased to be the recipient of our first dollars from opioid settlement funds in a grant provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP). The two-year grant will cover four critical roles within our harm reduction organization to help navigate participants into harm reduction, medical, and behavioral health services.
The grant will cover staffing for navigators to conduct overdose prevention education, distribute Narcan, and specifically navigate participants to our wound care, Hepatitis C testing and treatment, harm reduction, and other critical services, while additionally brokering and linking people to external mental health services.
Silvana Mazzella, Lead Executive Officer for Prevention Point Philadelphia, stated, “Prevention Point Philadelphia is grateful that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has chosen our organization to help combat the overdose crisis. As an organization that has been providing harm reduction, public health, and social services for over thirty years in Philadelphia, our dedicated staff serves over 23,000 people a year. This funding will help us provide more outreach to make a real difference in the lives of Pennsylvanians.”