Photo by Graham MacIndoe
In order to access public benefits in the state of Pennsylvania, an individual needs access to a mailing address. This requirement is problematic for many of PPP’s participants, many of whom are either facing street homelessness or have unstable housing arrangements. If a participant does not have a stable address at which to receive their mail, they may use PPP as a mailing address.
If you or someone you know needs to use PPP as a mailing address, come in during Drop-in Center hours and ask to be directed to the mail desk. Please be sure to come to PPP and sign a mailing agreement before having mail sent to PPP. Failing to do so will mean your mail will be returned.
Contact Viviana Ortiz at with further questions about our mail services. Thank you.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 12pm - 4pm
Thursday: 12 - 2pm
Friday: 12pm - 3pm