Prevention Point has public restroom facilities on Kensington Avenue, next to our entrance. Our facilities are monitored by at least two staff members at all times, and are wiped down between every use.
Restroom access is an essential but often overlooked resource, and our restroom monitors do much more than supervise the restroom. They act as crisis responders, outreach workers, and counselors. In between monitoring the restrooms, they help individuals access shelter, treatment, and medical care. They bring their life experience, humor, compassion, and brilliance to all that they do. Public restroom monitors are essential in the life-saving and life-sustaining services they offer.
Operating hours:
Monday & Tuesday: 9 am – 7 pm
Wednesday & Thursday: 9 am – 8 pm
Friday: 12 – 7 pm
For more information about our public restroom services, please contact vivianaortiz@ppponline.org